Conference: Pandemic COVID-19: international challenge for Public Health and Health Policy
COVID-19 pandemic: international challenge for the disciplines of Public Health and Health Policy
10 December 2022 10:00 to 15:00
Conference hall of thwe AUTH Central Library
Τhe global management of the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Independent SAGE activity in UK.
Professor Susan Michie, FAcSS, FMedSci, FBA, Director of UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London
Round table [in greek]: The impact and overall management of the COVID-19 pandemic
Anastasia Zissi, Prof in Comunity and Menatal Health, Aegean University, coordinator
«the pandemic in Greece: the dynamics of epidemiological data and the management directives»
Takis Panayiotopoulos, Emeritus Prof in Public Health and Child Health
"excess mortality during the pandemic"
Giota Touloumi, Prof Biostatistics and Epidmiology, NKAU Medical Dept
"the role of Primary Health Care in the management of the pandemic"
Magda Gavana, gerneral practitioner and epidemiologist, Head of the N. Mihaniona Primary Health Centre, research fellow innthe PHC, GP and HSR Lab, AUTH university
"Health Policies during the pandemic"
Elias Kondilis, Reader in Helth Policy, AUTH Medical Dept
Alexis Benos, Emeritus Prof Social Medicien, AUTH